My 8-week Program – Find your way back to yourself

Here is the guideline for these 8 weeks:

I’ll start building your awareness from the first session. We’ll start tracking your patterns in order to understand what is that you (many times unconsciously) struggle with. I’ll show you a few techniques that you could incorporate into your life and we’ll start looking into your patterns and routines. The goal of this session is to start bringing more self-awareness into your life.

The session has two parts. One is about your hopes and dreams, the second one is about defining the main area of your life we should work on. In order to get what you want, you have to start working on the thing that hurts you most.

From my experience – self-care is the key to happy living. You can’t fulfill your desires without taking care of yourself and without feeling worthy. I’ll teach you a few exercises that help you appreciate yourself more and will simply make you happier. You’re worth more than you think and feel right now.

In this session, we will get a bit deeper. I would like you to look closer at yourself and be more honest with yourself. I don’t want you to be your own critic (since you already are one), but I want you to look a bit more real at yourself. Paradoxically – it will bring you clarity and relief. Sometimes judgment is that evil that stops you from moving forward.

The fifth session is about surrounding yourself with people & the environment that help you grow. You know yourself more now and you can start building yourself up. Relationships and love are not reserved only for romance. We build them around us every day, and we need to learn which helps us thrive and which ones you have to release.

How you see yourself shapes your reality. You need to become your priority and start loving yourself more. To put it simply – you have to fall in love with yourself and your body. Your body can be your home or your jail, and you do have to consciously make a choice how do you want to feel in your skin. I will share the tools that helped me accept myself fully. You’re enough, and I will teach you to believe in it.

At this point, you understand more about yourself and you know what your needs are. You start saying out loud what is that you really want. Now we have to create a new vision for you, your career, and your money.

That’s exciting! You got to the last session and that means you’re ready to rock it! You are more self-aware, you know how to take care of yourself and what you truly need. I will help you set your goals and get on the right path to fulfill your purpose. Your new You is ready to take off.
We meet online for 2h session every week. The cost: $999.

I’m an Intuitive coach, blogger, and journalist. I left everything I knew behind me in Poland, packed my suitcase, put $1000 in my pocket, and came to NYC to finally fully express myself, create and break free.
I know that it takes courage to mute the external expectations, your parents’ voices in your head, and follow your passion, but if I could do it, you can do it too. I have this firm belief that self-awareness is the key to a happy life, and if you add to that the courage to be you, you will find your purpose. I know the struggles, the pain, and difficulties that come with that journey, that’s why I created my 8-week program to guide people through that process. There is no quick fix; it takes work, but what’s waiting for all of us on the other side, is worth every inch of our effort. Life is too short to live someone’s else life. I want you to express yourself fully; maybe for the first time ever.
I work with creatives and artists because they inspire me, and help me see the world differently.
The foundation of my 8-week program is self-awareness. I created this program based on my own transformation, my knowledge I’ve been gathering the last few years, the coaching courses I’ve done, and the training I had with Dr. Pam Denton. I combined my coaching expertise with the Intuitive knowledge to help you understand what you are capable of and to change some beliefs that you have about yourself.