Have the courage to be you – My offer

I created my 8-week program based on my transformation, my knowledge I’ve been gathering the last few years, courses I’ve done, Tony Robbin’s workshops, and the Intuitive Leadership Training I had with Dr. Pam Denton. I help people unmute their voice and be finally fully themselves. I help my clients to understand what they are capable of and changing some beliefs they have about themselves. Success to me is becoming your true self and have the life you always wanted to have. Healing first, then we can start making money.
I help you:
• Discover what do you want and what are you capable of
• Overcome limiting beliefs that keep you from the life you wanted
• Unmute your voice and step into your power
• Combine your creativity and strengths to create and build the business of your dreams
• Understand who you truly are
• Become healthier physically and emotionally and develop healthier relationships
• Determine your short and long-term goals
• Create your action plan
• Appreciate yourself and your life
• Heal
My 8-week program is based on three foundations: self-awareness, consistency, and self-care. There are 2h sessions every week. We could do it online or one in one session. Here is the guideline for these eight weeks:
Session #1: Defining the problem.
I’ll start building your self-awareness from the first session. We’ll begin tracking your patterns to understand what is that you (sometimes unconsciously) struggle with. I’ll show you a few techniques that you should incorporate in your life, and we’ll start taking care of you more. The goal of this session is to begin bringing more peace into your life.
Session #2: Getting Real with Yourself
This session has two parts. One is about your hopes and dreams; the second one is about defining the central area of your life we should work on. In order to get what you want, you have to start working on the thing that hurts you most.
Session #3: Self-Care.
I discovered that self-care is the key to happy living. You can’t fulfill your desires without taking care of yourself and showing yourself some love. I’ll teach you a few exercises that help you appreciate yourself more and will only make you happier.
Session #4: Shit will get hard.
In this session, we will get a bit deeper. I would like you to look closer at yourself and be more honest with yourself. I don’t want you to be your critic (since you already are one), but I want you to look a bit more real at yourself. Paradoxically – it will bring you clarity and relief.
Session #5: Building Yourself Up.
The fifth session is about surrounding yourself with people/tools/environment that helps you grow. You know yourself more now, and you can start building yourself up. I’ll show you tools that help you go on the next level.
Session #6: Let’s Create Your Future.
Since your picture of you becomes more precise, we can now start working on your future and make some plans. I’ll help you create a vision for yourself, so you could finally step on the right path for yourself.
Session #7: You’re enough
At this point, you understand more about yourself, and you know what your needs are. You start saying out loud what is that you want. Now we have to plant the seed of confidence and build your new beliefs about yourself.
Session #8: Goal setting.
That’s exciting! You got to the last session and that means you’re ready to rock it! You are more self-aware, you know how to take care of yourself and what you truly need. I will help you set your goals and get on the right path to fulfill your purpose. Your new life will begin.