Step 35 – Get Yourself Motivated

I listened to an interesting interview some time ago, in which a girl from a small village asked what to do to get yourself motivated if you can’t motivate yourself and you don’t have people around you who would think the way you do. And Moran Cerf, a professor of neuroscience, answered that if you can’t get any motivation from your peers or family, the thing that would work similar to that is reading books, watching interviews or videos, or listening to things that interest you (your favorite podcasts, recordings, etc.). This is the way to stimulate your brain and get yourself to a different state (here’s a link to the interview ).
I usually listen to a few people and I don’t do it every day. I do it once or twice a week on YouTube. One of those people is Tony Robbins, who always is able to lift me up and give me some dose of reality. A huge dose of reality I definitely get from the guy I mentioned recently here, Gary Vee – I love his direct way of putting things out there. I would also listen to Oprah Winfrey, whom I finally appreciated after I moved to the US – she’s a very wise and powerful woman. I want to be like her.
I also get motivated, or rather inspired, by Lisa Nichols and Marisa Peer.
Another woman on my list to watch is Marie Forleo and her YouTube channel, Marie.Tv. Her interviews on there always motivate me. I would also mention the Polish fitness trainer, Ewa Chodakowska, who motivates me to work out.
Also, I’m a diehard fan of the Impact Theory YouTube channel. Tom Bilyeu and his wife Lisa do an amazing job and he was able to inspire thousands of people through his show (he interviews accomplished people – athletes, artists, entrepreneurs).
I read Simon Sinek, Tim Ferriss, and I have Keith Ferrazzi and Ryan Holiday on mine to read list.
I bet there are a few other names that I don’t recall right now, but I just want you to know that it’s very easy to find your mentors, even if you live in a small town and think that you’re trapped.
But what’s very important is that I have a few friends – I call them my Master Mind group – whom I text with almost every day. We support each other because this path of change, transformation and growth are not easy. You’re not pumped every day; you have ups and downs. There are days when it’s challenging to motivate yourself to do anything. And there are the days when you feel so powerful, you want to share this energy with others.
I encourage you to find someone who will inspire and support you. It could be a member of your family, your friend, people from your community, or people like those I mentioned above. It’s important to keep your brain rolling, to not stay trapped within the same thinking patterns. Get yourself exposed to new things and get yourself inspired. Don’t get stuck in your own head.