Step 22 – Does “Think positive” Make Any Sense?

I was always saying: “You have to think positive!” and I still believe it’s way more effective than focusing on “what can go wrong”. If you focus on what can go wrong, you can be more than sure that something will actually go wrong. It’s a fact. But recently I realized it’s actually a bit of useless advice. It makes sense to say it to someone who is in this amazing state when she or he has everything figured out, knows exactly what she or his goal and is just simply going for it (well, this person doesn’t need our “think positive” advice anyway). But how many people like that do you actually know? I know people who have goals, ideas, have some things figured out, but there are also a lot of things they haven’t figured out yet (I include myself in this group). And giving them advice: “Just think positive”, will only piss them off. How can you think positive if you have a big problem (with money, health, family etc.)? Thinking positive is simply not enough. It’s difficult to just change your perspective and suddenly start seeing everything in bright colors. Even if you’re a believer it might just not happen. So what could help? I think that everything might change with an understanding of a few things. It’s thinking positive, but a bit different.

1.As Louise Hay says – your problem is just a thought that you can easily change. In other words – you decide what is worth worrying about. Think about it. Aren’t some problems just our fears and not the real problems? Is this problem that seems so huge to you right now, really that huge? Maybe you’re just scared and make it bigger just to protect yourself? Or maybe it’s not even a problem yet, you just created it in your head, because you’re afraid?

2. Tony Robbins says that a problem is just a question you haven’t answered yet. Example. Problem: I don’t have enough money. Question: What should I do to get more money? Answer: Look for a new job or find a way to make more money at my present job. / Find an extra job/ Cut my expanses./ Change my apartment situation. / Get rid of cable or any other extra payments. / Sell things I don’t need. / Make a list and see where my money goes I have enough I need to find a new way to spend it wisely? When you really ask these questions, you’ll see that the answers will start popping up. You just have to decide and put some action.

3. Thinking positive is lame advice if you didn’t get to “I appreciate” state. When you start listening and reading wise people, they will ALL say the same thing – if you don’t appreciate what you already have, you won’t be able to think or be positive. You have to get to this place inside of you that is more focused on what you already have and not what you’re lacking. And when you get there – simply start being grateful for that. This is where “positive thinking” is coming expenses. If you don’t get to this understanding and you won’t start finally practicing it, you can forget about “thinking positive”. You won’t be able to do it. Your brain will start coming up with all kind of excuses for you to be angry, depressed, frustrated and disappointed with your daily life because this is how. 

It’s only up to you what kind of a place the world will be for you. You can create a happy place or a very sad place for yourself. It’s only a matter of your decision. Choose wisely. 
