3 years of Just Like NY

Suddenly, it’s been three years since I started Just Like NY. I was thinking recently how great would it be to do only this for a living: write and explore NY every day. But it’s impossible right now. Sometimes someone says to me: “Hey, I can see you are still running your website”, and this never fails put a smile on my face, because for me it’s obvious that – since I decided to run my own website – it doesn’t mean I would have it only for a month, or for a year. True – I don’t always have time to post more than once or twice a week, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to; it just means I didn’t have much time to do so.
When I first started Just Like NY, I thought that the city itself would be my main point of interest, and in some way it of course still is, but I also am interested in other things. And this in itself is the result of living in this city anyway. That’s why, only recently, I decided to change my website categories.
Relationships, relations, especially between men and women, have been something I was interested in since forever, which you can find in “Lifestyle” category on my website. I’ve been observing this field for a while now and I have my opinions, so I decided to plunge into those waters from time to time. Especially since this topic is always interesting and can engage just about everyone. You can always find something interesting over there; it’s a pretty surprising and fascinating subject.
Another category, one really important to me, that appeared recently on my website is “Transformation”. This current year has been a true breakthrough for me in many ways, especially when it comes to working on myself. With a decision to be more aware of what’s going on in my life turned 180 degrees around and many things that were obvious for me are not obvious anymore. It got to a certain level: my life stabilizes itself right now and I ask myself how could I have lived differently before. I want to share my experience, especially that’s ongoing process that constantly changes me. I truly believe it will make also your lives better.
I want to also share my videos with you (“Videos” section) so that you can “be here with me”; plus a separate category “My projects”, because I started working on new things already.
It’s still all about NY, obviously, and there is major category devoted to the place itself: “Living in NY”, where I write reality in this weird city and where I show you places and events I experienced. NY is still the place I adore. It’s not a paradise, and it’s not the best place to live in, but it’s definitely worth living here to learn a lot about yourself. There is no other place that tries you so much on every step you take. And there’s no other place that changes you so much in the process.