Magical Spots, Part I
There are places in NY which I would love to share with everyone I know. Every single time I visit them, I am reminded of why I love living here so much.
One place like that is Sutton Place (58th St. & York Avenue), with the memorable bench featured in Woody Allen’s “Manhattan” and a great view of Queensboro Bridge. This little square is perfect for a short repose and for collecting your racing thoughts. A couple streets uptown, at 64th St., there’s a walkway leading to the river – it is here that you will get a full view of the bridge.
Another place like that is Brooklyn Bridge: my favorite almost from my day one in New York. I don’t recommend going there during the weekend, since it’s tough then to navigate the crowd of pedestrians and folks on bicycles, but an evening walk during the week will benefit you no end. Especially since the views from the bridge are simply unforgettable.
Another favorite of mine is Bryant Park, which holds outdoor film screenings every summer. Stand on the corner of the park (at the intersection of 6th Ave, and 42nd St.) and you will see both the busy street, people resting and having lunch, the Empire State Building and… another Empire State Building – or rather its magnificent reflection in the windows of a glass building across the street.
What else? Washington Square Park, of course, which served as a location for many a movie. I always love coming here, since the place has amazingly good vibes. It’s always full of life, as well as draws most unlikely and original crowd in NY. It never fails to put a smile on my face.
If you happen to be in Brooklyn, and in Greenpoint especially, make sure to go to Kent Street, which provides you with a great view of Manhattan. In front of you, there will be skyscrapers, and behind you, a soccer playing field. You can engage in two activities at once: cheer your local team and look at Empire State Building. Talk about an unbeatable combo.