Red is for Walking

At a pedestrian crossing in New York you will see either a white light (the equivalent of polish green) or a red one. Both have the same meaning: just walk. When a New Yorker crosses a street, he or she is not looking what light it is: they look if there’s a car approaching. Sometimes I even feel the lights are completely disposable here. Sure, the drivers will honk, but less with a thought of „What a moron, doesn’t he see the light is red?!”, and more by way of saying: „Hurry up, you schmuck, or you won’t make it!”. (Even though the word moron may make an appearance anyhow.) Honking is just a signal, meaning: I’m approaching and you should move away if you want to live. New Yorkers don’t have time to wait at every street light, especially since those are placed on the corner of each block. Two strategies come in handy: zigzagging between moving cars, or cutting right angles. What does that mean? When the light is red, choose to cross the perpendicular street at which the light is currently white. Moving like this makes a lot of sense when you need to cross several avenues and/or streets, and the destination is at the opposite side of the street you’re currently at. At other times it’s a waste of time and I’d much recommend for you to do the zigzagging. If you see anyone waiting at a red light, they’re either daydreamers with no connection to the present moment, or tourists who will look in awe at your street traffic heroism. It’s a perfect occasion to ask them: „Is it your first time in NY?”
